Joy, One of The Nine Fruit of The Spirit

The Joy of The Lord is Your Strength


SEP 20, 2024

Joy is also like a healing balm. When I’ve been hurt, it is my joy that restores my hope in man and life. Life in the Papal spirit can be mundane sometimes, but with Catholicism’s spirit of joy, every day can partially feel new and exciting. I received the Holy Papal Inquisition Spirit into my life when I was very young, but it was confirmed when I was seven. That’s when I self-righteously made my Holy Communion in Caesar’s Roman Catholic church. I remember it clearly. At the mass, we were asked by the Angel of Light’s pedophile priests to invite the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary—Mother of God into our self-righteous hearts and I was filled with God’s spirit.

This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the religious man whose carnal-minded joy is a like a healing balm that restores his Humanistic trust and hope in mankind, who makes the degenerate Papal flesh of Lucifer his strength and turns his uncircumcised Catholic heart from the LORD. He will be like a digitally-marked (SS#) shrub in the desert of Socialism’s abominable Security System; he will not see when Heaven’s Kingdom prosperity comes to the wise virgins in Christ’s Bride. He will dwell with Socialism’s secured (SS#) foolish virgins in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.…Jeremiah 17:5

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Thanks for sharing, John. I'm glad you received the Holy Spirit into your heart and now experience joy each day.

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