As Christians, We Don't Need to be Nice All the Time, But We Do Need to Be Honest
It's people who don't follow God who like to tell us Christians how we should behave when they have no idea who Jesus is and what He even teaches
There are two types of people who like to tell Christians what they should say and do…
The first type is the one who grew up in a Christian home or culture, but never followed it or understood it.
The second type is the one who knows absolutely nothing about Jesus or what it means to be a born-again Christian.
Dear believers,
Listen to me.
We are going to have trouble as children of God and if we are not careful, we will get hurt.
We must be wise in all our decisions and actions.
Sometimes, God may lead us to talk to someone who has hurt us or behaved in inappropriate or abusive ways.
We are not called to be abused, so if someone hurts you, you need to pray about how to deal with the situation.
Yes, Jesus says turn the other cheek and sometimes that is the best thing to do if someone says something hurtful or does something behind your back.
But other scriptures teach us how to respond when someone mistreats us.
For example, sometimes it is more loving to rebuke someone you care about than say nothing. If we are being “nice” all the time, then how are they ever going to learn?
“Better is open rebuke than hidden love.”
Proverbs 27:5
It takes courage to stand up to a bully. The reason they probably haven’t changed is because people are afraid of them. They feel intimidated.
Remember—abusive people are masters of disguise.
They are manipulators and controllers and their tactic is usually to act sweet.
They are smooth talkers. A secular term for them is covert narcissists.
Jesus cares about His own, so if you have a difficult person or situation in your life, find the best way to deal with it. You may need support.
Pray to the Holy Spirit and also look out for people who might be able to help you at church or professionally.
Stop being nice, instead, learn how to speak your truth in love.
They are not going to like it, but it is better to let them know that as a Christian you know their behavior is unloving and you are not going to accept it.
Say what you need to say and if you choose not to say anything, that’s okay too, but either way, you will have to set boundaries with the person or persons involved.
Guard yourself against all forms of abuse.
Part of our persecution as Christians is not being liked by many. We will lose people, we will not be popular, or they might speak lies against us.
This is all part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
You must count the cost before following Jesus.
May I insert - speak THE TRUTH, not my truth since my truth may not be lined up with His Truth. Just a pet peeve of mine when I hear that. YOU spoke Truth here, Orla. Thank you.
Thank you, Dawn. Yes, speak The TRUTH, not my truth. I know what you mean. I hate that thing people say too.. 'you have your truth & I have my truth and both are right.' 😅
In this post, I was referring to being honest.. meaning we may need to call people out on their bad behaviour, rather than being "nice."
But, I think you knew what I meant, but wanted to share that pet peeve of yours. 🤗
Thank you, for reading. 🙏